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Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports

An independent accounting firm conducts an audit of the City of Washington's financial activities at the end of each fiscal year (the period from July 1 - June 30). Financial statements, supplemental schedules, and other relevant information are compiled into a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The report explains the City's financial position and the results of City operations as measured by the financial activity of its various funds and account groups. The report for the fiscal year that ended on June 30 is presented to the Washington City Council and submitted to the NC Local Government Commission the following fall.

The full report is divided into Introductory, Financial, Statistical and Compliance sections. Only the Introductory Section for the latest available Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is posted on this website. The Introductory Section contains information about the organization and principal officials of the City of Washington and a summary of major initiatives and financial activities for the fiscal year. The complete report contains more detailed financial statements, economic data, and compliance reports and schedules. The complete document is available for public review at the City Clerk's Office in the Municipal Building and Brown Library.  To view the report, click Comprehensive Annual Financial ReportFinancial information from the City of Washington's annual audit reports for the past five years also can be viewed at the NC Department of State Treasurer website.