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  • Brown Library

Washington Utilities

The City of Washington owns electric, water, and sewer utilities to provide these services to residents, businesses and industries of Washington, North Carolina.

Locally-owned and operated, these public utilities, provide local families, farms, businesses and industries with safe and reliable public services at a reasonable price. Our employees are the neighbors of the people that we serve; we stand ready to help customers with problems or questions.

The City of Washington Stormwater Utility manages drainage and flood-control activities in the City.

A slide show of scenes from Washington's electric, water and sewer utilities: an aerial view of the wastewater treatment plant, linemen preparing to work on power lines with a bucket truck and ladder, a lineman changing a street light lamp, employees flushing out fire hydrants, and a bucket truck with boom extended and starburst in background.

Rates and policies are set by the Washington City Council. Utilities revenues maintain our utility systems and help our community.

Our business office is located in the Washington Municipal Building, (closed holidays). Free 1-hour parking is available on Market & Second streets for our visitors and customers. Call (252) 975-9300 during business hours for more information. Or save time and a trip to the office by paying your Washington Utilities bill, signing up for utility service, or viewing your account information online.

Click here to view some Winter Energy Tips.
Click here to see a list of Winter Energy Tips.